How to code

  1. Find a coding language

    Many beginning coders struggle with what language to pick when they first start learning. (Because they don't know where to start with their first code). The actual language that you start learning on doesn't make a big difference when it comes to learning about data structures and logic.

  2. Find free resources online

    The internet is a treasure trove of free tutorials, classes, and videos, all tailored towards the language of your choice. You can start getting a basic grasp of just about any introductory language in a day.

  3. Practice on personal projects

    It is estimated that it takes about 15,000 hours before you can be considered an expert in computer programming.[3] This is years of applied practice. True mastery of programming will come only after you put the time in to practice and become proficient.

  4. Work with others

    If you have multiple people working on a project, you get multiple viewpoints on how to go about it. Working on teams is virtually unavoidable in the business world, so unless you're planning to develop everything independently, be prepared to work with others.

Citation: wikiHow - How to Code